
Quadrature is a Python module for computing the quadratures (integrals) of homogenous polynomials of arbitrary order over any simplices in any dimension.

Suppose we are given a k-Simplex in

where represents the ith vertex of the simplex.

We are interested in finding an explicit expression for the quadrature of a homogeneous polynomial over such a simplex:

and the moments, which are the above expression divided by the volume of the simplex:

We have implemented in python a simple algorithm that computes exactly the above expressions:

quadrature.nCk(n, k)[source]

Compute the binomial coefficients

>>> nCk(0,0)
>>> nCk(1,0)
>>> nCk(4, 2)
>>> [[nCk(n,k) for k in range(n+1)] for n in range(7)] == [
...          [1],
...        [1, 1],
...       [1, 2, 1],
...      [1, 3, 3, 1],
...     [1, 4, 6, 4, 1],
...    [1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1],
...  [1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, 1]                              ]
quadrature.quadrature(term, verts)[source]

Compute the quadrature of a homogenous polynomial given by term=’xxy’ over the vertices verts=(0,1,2) of a simplex.

>>> quadrature('', (0,1))
([((), 1)], Fraction(1, 1))
>>> quadrature('x', (0,1))
([((('x', 0),), 1), ((('x', 1),), 1)], Fraction(1, 2))
>>> quadrature('x', (0,1,2))
([((('x', 0),), 1), ((('x', 1),), 1), ((('x', 2),), 1)], Fraction(1, 3))
>>> quadrature('xx', (0,1)) == (
...    [((('x', 0), ('x', 0)), 1),
...     ((('x', 0), ('x', 1)), 1),
...     ((('x', 1), ('x', 1)), 1)], fractions.Fraction(1, 3))
>>> quadrature('xy', (0,1,2)) == (
...    [((('x', 0), ('y', 0)), 2),
...      ((('x', 0), ('y', 1)), 1),
...      ((('x', 0), ('y', 2)), 1),
...      ((('x', 1), ('y', 0)), 1),
...      ((('x', 1), ('y', 1)), 2),
...      ((('x', 1), ('y', 2)), 1),
...      ((('x', 2), ('y', 0)), 1),
...      ((('x', 2), ('y', 1)), 1),
...      ((('x', 2), ('y', 2)), 2)], fractions.Fraction(1, 12))

Description of Algorithm

Our algorithm is general, but for simplicity we will just demonstrate it for the specific case of a triangle in two dimensions. Assume you have a triangle in the plane defined by its three vertices at , , and - it is a 2-simplex so . We will compute the moment of the q-homoqenous polynomial with .


[py, png, hires.png, pdf]

The inputs to the algorithm are two tuples - the first is describing the polynomial and the other is describing the labels for the vertices. With this notation, the orders of the simplex and the degree of the polynomial are given by

Now take all the permutations of the tuple.

Compute all the combinations (with repetitions allowed) of size of the coordinates of the vertices

Take the product of and

For each element in the tuple zip together the variable with the simplex vertices (e.g. and so on):

Treat each element as a multiplication and sum all the multiples together

Divide the result by to obtain the final expression

which is indeed what one would obtain for by manual calculation.


In pseudocode the algorithm can be concisely given as:


To validate the algorithm we consider a triangle, a line segment, and a tetrahedron, and we compute a number of low order moments by integrating explicitly. The Mathematica file where all the integration is done is provided for download here.

Triangle in

The moments of all the homogeneous polynomials over a triangle area given by

where is the area form for and is the total area of the triangle.

For example, and are the coordinates of the center of mass of the triangle.

Change of variables

so that corresponds to vertex , corresponds to vertex , and corresponds to vertex . The area form transforms as follows:

Thus we have an explicit expression for the quadrature

which can be evaluated by hand to obtain the first few moments:

Those match exactly with the results from our algorithm.

>>> def q(t): return tostr(quadrature(t, (0,1,2)))
>>> q('x')
'1/3 (x0 + x1 + x2)'
>>> q('xx')
'1/6 (x0x0 + x0x1 + x0x2 + x1x1 + x1x2 + x2x2)'
>>> q('xxx')
'1/10 (x0x0x0 + x0x0x1 + x0x0x2 + x0x1x1 + x0x1x2 + x0x2x2 + x1x1x1 + x1x1x2 + x1x2x2 + x2x2x2)'
>>> q('xy')
'1/12 (2 x0y0 + x0y1 + x0y2 + x1y0 + 2 x1y1 + x1y2 + x2y0 + x2y1 + 2 x2y2)'

Line Segment in

The same be done for line segments defined by their endpoints and . Again the first few moments in this case are:

And our algorithm gives

>>> def q(t): return tostr(quadrature(t, (0,1)))
>>> q('x')
'1/2 (x0 + x1)'
>>> q('xx')
'1/3 (x0x0 + x0x1 + x1x1)'
>>> q('xxx')
'1/4 (x0x0x0 + x0x0x1 + x0x1x1 + x1x1x1)'
>>> q('xy')
'1/6 (2 x0y0 + x0y1 + x1y0 + 2 x1y1)'
>>> q('xxy')
'1/12 (3 x0x0y0 + x0x0y1 + 2 x0x1y0 + 2 x0x1y1 + x1x1y0 + 3 x1x1y1)'

Tetrahedron in

>>> def q(t): return tostr(quadrature(t, (0,1,2,3)))
>>> q('x')
'1/4 (x0 + x1 + x2 + x3)'
>>> q('xx')
'1/10 (x0x0 + x0x1 + x0x2 + x0x3 + x1x1 + x1x2 + x1x3 + x2x2 + x2x3 + x3x3)'
>>> q('xxx')
'1/20 (x0x0x0 + x0x0x1 + x0x0x2 + x0x0x3 + x0x1x1 + x0x1x2 + x0x1x3 + x0x2x2 + x0x2x3 + x0x3x3 + x1x1x1 + x1x1x2 + x1x1x3 + x1x2x2 + x1x2x3 + x1x3x3 + x2x2x2 + x2x2x3 + x2x3x3 + x3x3x3)'
>>> q('xy')
'1/20 (2 x0y0 + x0y1 + x0y2 + x0y3 + x1y0 + 2 x1y1 + x1y2 + x1y3 + x2y0 + x2y1 + 2 x2y2 + x2y3 + x3y0 + x3y1 + x3y2 + 2 x3y3)'